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Farsala said:
zorg1000 said:

24 million Kinects sold in just over 2 years, reports in 2011 stating 2/3 of console sales were the Kinect bundle, it was aimed at a different audience than the existing 13-30 year old male demographic and Microsoft shifted their content and marketing from "hardcore" to "casual".

You're the only person I can think of who doesn't agree that Kinect was a massive system seller and  the primary driver of 360 sales from holiday 2010-2012.

Not the only one, the S model was a much bigger factor than Kinect imo. Obviously, both were still factors in the high sales.

zorg1000 said:

There wasnt a price cut with the S model though and Minecract didnt come to 360 until May 2012 so that doesnt explain 2011 sales at all.

Kinect craze had died down significantly by 2013/2014 but there is really no denying it was huge for the first 2 years.

I already went over this with you.


2009 250gb- US$399.99, C$399.99, £249.99, €329.99, A$599.00

S Model 250 gb- US$299.99, C$299.99, £199.99, €249.99,A$449.00, NZ$499.00"

If that's not a pricecut then I guess I don't know economics.

I dont get how anybody can think a prettier sku increased sales more than the thing that set a record for fastest selling consumer electronics device and was aimed at a completely different demographic than was already on the system.

I know we went over it and you're wrong. The prices remained the same, they switched the amount of storage in each sku adding value, that is not a price cut.

Regular model

512mb-$199 (Sept 2008)

120gb-$299 (Aug 2009)

S model

4gb-$199 (June 2010)

250gb-$299 (June 2010)

If the price is the same than it's not a price cut, its adding value.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.