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I guess I don´t expect much for Next Gen. I mean, despite how many teraflops, RAM or HD, It will probably be the smallest jump in graphics quality from gen to gen. But it will be a good balanced machine. I mean, the CPU will be much better, I think at least 3 times faster than PS4. That will introduce bigger, more populated worlds and better physics. Graphics will be better, but with the upgraded consoles out ( PS4 pro and XB X) resolution will increase from checkboarding 4K or close to 4k to native 4k. Nice, but not awesome. If lucky we´ll see a bit of ray tracing, but consoles or even PCs still don´t have the power to implement game changing ray tracing. I guess that will be PS6 if ever exist, or PS5 pro ultra :).
So with PS5 or XBOX 2 (whatever name) we´ll have the same that we have now, but well done, a complete package for gaming. Finally a good CPU, 4k graphics and 16 or 24 GB of RAM enough to bring good textures. With the 4K TVs on the rise, these systems will last for the next decade and be well done, good enough balanced machines.

Most people will start to feel is good enough. Like with on board audio. Old timers would remember buying a 300 USS Sound Blaster 32 , 64 or even Live to make the PC sound better. Now for 99% onboard audio is good enough. Many bougth many CDs from favourite Singers, after Smartphones , mp3, wma and so on, those audio files got good enough quality for 99%. I guess a time would come where graphics and phisics will be good enough for most of the people. I wonder if the next XBOX or PS5 will bring that feeling to the majority.