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EA needs to understand that not every game was meant to fit into the latest industry trend and not every studio is meant to make games that fit the latest industry trend. And they need to understand that this is a perfectly okay thing, and that such studios should continue to develop such games that they do best whether it's the latest trend or not. Not everything needs multiplayer, not everything needs to be open world, not everything needs to be GaaS. Not every game needs a battle royale mode. Etc. Just let the developers make the games they want to make and don't get in their way. But we all knew Bioware couldn't last forever. EA never learns, and their toxic culture affects the games of every developer it gets its filthy claws on, and then it discards them when it's milked them for what it thinks they're worth. Bioware is sadly likely not long for this world. And the saddest thing is, this game is going to sell just fine by most people's standards, but inevitably it will "disappoint" investors even if it sells millions as a brand new IP. Releasing in this state means it won't get the momentum it needs to make EA's targets for it and people will move on to the next GaaS. And EA will blame Bioware.