vivster said:
If you think everything is as it should be then what are you even arguing about? It's not me who has to worry about Xbox's first party lineup. It's the CEOs who have to look at the lackluster offerings and performance and then deal the consequences. I humored myself and looked up what the best Xbox games for the platform are and most of the recommendations are several years old. |
The reviews for Crackdown 3 are very bad, the kind of score that should be given to a very bad game. Having played Crackdown 3 it's actually a good game and enjoyable game. The reason it's getting such bad score is that the game failed to live up to our high expectation.
You keep talking like Microsoft isn't doing anything about the lackluster offerings and performance. They've double the numbers of first party studios. While we wait for these new games, Microsoft countered by giving us a much superior online services when compare to Sony, EA Access, Xbox Gamepass and the enhanced Backwards compatibility Xbox & Xbox 360 is amazing to long term Xbox fans and give so much option to new Xbox owners.
It's not like the Xbox doesn't have any exclusive games, there is always going to be the Microsoft Holy trinity of Halo - Gears - Forza. You can also play all of the Xbox exclusives for very cheap with gamepass.
Ashen, Below, Halo MCC, Halo Wars 2, Recore, Sunset Overdrive, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Rare Replay, D4: DDDD, all of the Gears game, Forza 4, Halo 5, Quantum Break, Ryse, Sea of Thieves, Shadow Complex Remastered, Super Lucky's tail, Zoo Tycoon, Ori. Not including all the multi platform games that are made available to you with gamepass.
Beside there no rush to play any of the PS4 Exclusive and pay full retail price. The Sony exclusives are all single player experience that can be enjoy long after their release. I don't think anyone should be stupid enough to only play on one platform. There rumors that Sony might stats including their first party exclusives in their Playstation Plus service their version of gamepass, that would be amazing.
Last edited by yvanjean - on 21 February 2019