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Azzanation said: 
Cerebralbore101 said:

Crackdown 3 is criminally short for an Open World game. That, and the missions are repetitive clone stamps of one another.

49 people beat the game already. Crackdown 1 was a 43.5 hours long for completionists. Crackdown 3 is 13.5 hours long for completionists. The game was a massive step back from the original 2007 release. 

13+ hours for a game this generation is far from a short game. I can name plenty of games that come out with less than 10 hours and reviewed better. Also keep in mind that CD3 offers a MP mode and Co-op modes with different agents to level so the game can be easily more than 13 hours.

Less than 10 hours for a completionist run on an open-world game, and reviewed well this generation? Go ahead, name plenty of games please, I'm curious.