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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
mjk45 said:

I couldn't give a flying fuck about the  Bioware of today  .but I would blame EA if they closed Bioware because they along with Bioware have to be held accountable for the situation , MEA a game I enjoyed btw and deserved to continue got thrown under a bus for this and yes Bioware say it was their choice, but you can't tell me they weren't encouraged ,until we are shown that all those ips are in safe capable  hands then I would stick with Bioware but they need direction and no longer get a free pass.

I mean, I agree with you. Technically, there is almost always some blame on the publishers end, especially if they own the studio in question. I also think stuff like the Mass Effect 3 ending debacle was probably mostly EA's fault (I doubt they didn't ask for extended developer time). But, at this point there's so much tying back to Bioware, that I just think they're an incompetent studio. EA is partially to blame, sure, but a majority of it falls on Bioware. And I think if we're being honest, that's not really how people distribute the blame, even though it's the most honest way to do so. 

Yep it's a mess from both ends, what I would like to see Is rather than making a knee jerk  reaction and  Bioware closing they look at the management that got them here, to often the guys who make the games are made scapegoats for upper management decisions, if the guys making the game have done their part and made a technically competent game why should they get it into the neck for  issues like lack of content and story that are linked to management, another worrying trend is this 10 million talk , it wasn't that long ago that a successful game was measured if it was a series /franchise  by how it performed against it's predecessors or more generally it's peers. now we are seeing series that historically sold in the 2-3 million range suddenly expected to make  3 or 4 times that, a classic example was tomb raider upon reaching  6 million it was viewed as underperforming by SE even though historically the series sold in that 2-3 million range because they had an even higher forecast , while tomb raider did great not every game is so lucky, not satisfied with a healthy profit and satisfied customers and growth over time, these games are now under pressure to be chained to or morphed into whatever is seen as the next big money thing or left to rot and the unfortunate thing is the traditional gamers voice is getting smaller each and every year and we are the ones who are missing out and missing out now no polished MEA no DLC and who knows how many great games and series in limbo.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 20 February 2019

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