Mr Puggsly said:
Ah okay, well you must not remember the game much. Those HLTB stats seem exaggerated to me. I don't think it takes nearly that many hours to complete everything and I wouldn't even recommend trying to do it. Trying to find every orb or doing all the driving missions is incredibly boring. That's epitome of filler, but not unusual for open world games. As for Crackdown 3, you can't do everything in 13 hours. Nope. I feel those completion stats are generally inaccurate. At the rate I'm going its gonna take like 13 hours to finish the campaign. |
I get that feeling with a lot of games too. HLTB is just the average time to beat it. Some people are way faster, and others take way longer. I swear Xenoblade 2 took me almost 300 hours, but a lot of people were doing completionist runs at 150 hours. But I'm the sort that meanders around and takes his sweet time doing things. I'll explore every nook and cranny of a game before I move on. Then there's the kid at my local game shop back in Phoenix who beat Enter the Gungeon in four hours. He was just really damned good at Shoot 'em ups. Anyway my point is we have to keep in mind that other people play differently than us, and this is just the average time.
We can point out other games' average times though, and come to a reasonable conclusion that Crackdown 3 is short for an open world game.