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"US Schools" generalizations are usually pretty meaningless, especially when compared to small countries.

I went to the poorest school in a poor county. A largely rural area, almost a 50% mix between black and white, in a building where the "new section" was built in the 60's. We had an altered school year because so many kids would miss time because they were needed to help with harvest. We had nothing. Our "computer class" was basically study hall and the computers were ancient Apple PCs that had been donated by some company that I assume had long since upgraded. I learned NOTHING in there pertaining to computers, though I did get really good at chess. Our school SATS were terrible and our county SATS were only a shade better.

Right freaking next door to our county, though? A rich coastal city with a booming tourist trade, a big port, and a sizeable film industry. Test scores were hundreds of points higher. It's about money.