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RolStoppable said:
You definitely were one of Sony, but in the last couple of months you have matured a little and became less annoying, because now you actually listen to what people say and don't get yourself trapped in a page-long argument which you can only lose. My favorite example, from January 2008 I think, is you saying that nobody could have bought a Wii for the games in 2007, instead the Wii sold because of Nintendo brand loyalty.

You are kinda like Soriku. At first really annoying and making people wonder why the mods don't ban you for good, but after enough time it turns out that you actually have the potential to be a valuable member of our community.

Thanks Rol!

I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not (you know that's hard to tell...), but if it was, oh well, it's still a really nice comment.