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curl-6 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Listening to the audio podcast that comes from I kind of have a feeling that Bill was talking about Bayonetta 3 and then switched over to talking about Astral Chain mid sentence. 

Still, I do definitely thin a February/March release for Bayonetta 3 was what we are going to see. 

Yeah listening to it again it's really annoyingly unclear which game he means; it'd be very strange for Bayo 3 to slated for 2019 when it's already so packed, but it'd also be strange to say Astral Chain is coming "sooner than expected" when it was given a release date at the same time it was revealed.

Yeah that's what I was thinking, too. I assume he meant Bayonetta 3 because Astral Chain had it's release date announced the same time it was revealed. But ... maybe he just said that because a lot of people didn't expect a game like Astral Chain to release this year? Like, as a surprise?

It's weird, but I'm not too "annoyed" by it. This year is already packed and honestly, with how many high quality action games have released since Bayonetta 2, I'd prefer there be extra time to polish up Bayonetta 3 and make it something really special.