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Microsoft has a real problem with 1st/2nd party exclusives that arent Halo, Gears & Forza when it comes to critical reception. A few in the good-great range but the vast majority are in the bad-average range.

Over 75
Sunset Overdrive
Quantum Break
Rare Replay
Ori and the Blind Forest

Killer Instinct
Project Spark
State of Decay
Zoo Tycoon
Dance Central Spotlight
Ryse: Son of Rome
Powerstar Golf
Kinect Sports Rivals
Disneyland Adventures
Rush: A Disney-Pixar Adventure
Super Lucky's Tale
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Crackdown 3
Crimson Dragon

This is something that really needs to be fixed next generation because Sony & Nintendo have been killing it lately with most of their games being in the good-great range and some that are all time greats.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.