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ArtznCraphs said:
That's too bad. The first Xbox was actually a good piece of hardware with some great hardcore niche titles.

Are there ethical reasons people don't support MS? I'm not up on the company's history.

I do not hate them for the Xbox. I never had one, and I don't plan to. I've hated Microsoft since I'm a kid, an for a lot of reasons. For example:

-Unstable, unsecure OSes. I can't count how many times I reinstalled Win98 in my PC

-Bad products (Internet Explorer)

-DRM that is malware (Windows Genuine Advantage) and is difficult to remove.

-Monopolistic practics

-Steve Ballmer

Most of all, I hate them for the bad experiences I've had with Windows, which I still use. At least, I didn't pay for it, so I can rest easy they haven't received a single cent from me