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Mr Puggsly said:
Pemalite said:

Absolutely agree. No excuse not to have it.

Allot of the UI is actually rendered by the Graphics Processing Unit...
The CPU is tasked with various load operations... But the sluggish UI is actually a Hard Drive issue as not everything is loaded into DRAM... So when a user requests something, the information likely takes 20ms just to start loading the initial information.

8GB of Ram is starting to become *extremely* limiting on the PC... And that is before we even start looking at the GPU Ram pools on top of that where GPU's are now coming out with 16GB buffers.

I'm more referring to the UI just feeling sluggish, takes time to load stuff in, freezes for a bit, etc. I suspect these more CPU related than GPU or RAM, if it was than X1X would probably load significantly faster than it does.

Hard Drive.
The CPU doesn't help matters no doubt about it... But anyone who uses a PC will know that the Hard Drive is a big culprit in making anything feel sluggish irrespective of CPU.
For example you can take a decade old dual-core CPU clocked at 2ghz... And it will be dog slow because of the 5400rpm spinning rust, but whack an SSD in there and it feels like a dramatic step up in general OS tasks.

Mr Puggsly said:

Games are certainly using more than 8GB at highest settings at this point. I was entertaining his idea that developers might be okay working with just 8GB given they already do plenty with 5GB. But 16GB is a reasonable expectation for the 9th gen considering consoles launched with 8GB in 2013.

Yeah. 16GB seems to be the general consensus.
PC games are pushing over 8GB of system ram+8GB GPU Ram now... 16GB total and that's pretty mid-range... Many demanding games are seeing gains with 16GB of system Ram+8GB GPU (24GB total).

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--