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Otter said:


TranceformerFX said:


Too low? 8GB is already more than double of what the PS4/Pro works with. There are way too many posters in here with "PC Gaming" mindsets. 12 GB reserved for video games/developers? That's batshit crazy and absolutely will not be the case... That's just dumb.


People in here need to stop thinking of the PS5 specs as if they were building a gaming PC. Like seriously, stop...

Richard from digital foundry already said don’t be surprised if these new consoles have 24GB oh ram and he has reliable sources.

also 8GB being more than double PS4? Isn’t 5GB available to developers in the base system? And was’t PS4’s ram well above the PC average at launch (5 versus 2-4)?

My mistake; I had it backwards.


The PS5 isn't going to have more than 16GB of RAM. And it isn't gonna have an SSD, and it isn't going to have a 3TB HDD...

I'd rather have 8GB of that RAM go to the PS5's OS/Functionality to ensure smooth and seamless interaction, than to have 4GB (12 GB for games) and run into the same lacking/laggy features that creep up on the PS4.

If devs for PS4 didn't complain about having 5GB of RAM for their games - I'm pretty sure they won't for 8GB either.