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Xxain said:
CaptainExplosion said:

But how would the story to Megaman X9 go? X8 ended with Sigma getting killed on the moon and unable to come back this time, unless he got put on a copy chip.

Bro.... the whole entire thing about the New Gen Reploids was that SIgma's DNA was in every chip. We already know how Sigma is coming back.

Nautilus said:

That is why I think X needs a reboot.

The whole series story is a mess at this point.Characters appearing and dissapearing for no reason at all, with Dr. Cain being the best example of that;Some plot point never being explained as to who saved X at the end of X5(even if the game heavily implies it was Dr. Light); and the biggest of them all:How the hell is Sigma still being alive/being able to be ressurected?I mean, he was supposidely killed in X 3, when Zero injects into him the anti Sigma virus.After that game, Sigma just comes back with no explanation at all, and the gang(X, Zero, and all the Maverick Hunters) are like "Ok, Sigma is just like that".

But one step at a time.If X9 is easier to do than to try to do a reboot, then just do it.If you manage to explain everything in X9 Capcom, even better.

1. Bro! If you play MMX6 Dr. Light straight up tells Zero that he saved X but had no idea how Zero came back. I believe its taking Zero to the Light capsule in Infinity Mijinion's stage where that conversation happens

2.  No explanation is needed. It didn't work. We learn later in Zero series that Zero himself has the antibodies to virus and they had to pretty much break him down to figure out how the virus works then from that the Mother Elf was made. In a sense we can compare it to medicine vs a Vaccine. Medicine just suppress's/slows down the the illness (Dopplers cure) while a Vaccine eradicates (Mother Elf)

3. In the original series, Cain dies off screen from old age. The Reimagining Sigma kills him but he, was dying anyway.

Definitely no "need" for a Reboot. 

Man, its been a while since I played X6, since I didnt remember that Zero talked with Dr. Light holograms.In a way it kind of points out the bad narrative the series has(with the later games) that these pods were supposed to be Dr. Light recording messages from the past for X, yet here he is leaving messages for Zero and knowing about the whole Nightmare situation.That also reminds me about the whole problem of people just comming back to life when the game needs them to.I mean, I know they are robots but there should be a limit, so that someones death has some impact.

Well yeah, I figured it didnt work, since Sigma kept comming back.Yet they never tried to develop one that could actually kill the guy who almost destroys the whole world over and over again?And why didnt the maverick hunters never mentioned anything about Sigma being a virus and trying to develop some kind of countermeasure against him after X5?Or that how Vile was able to come back to life in X8?Someone kept his body safe somewhere?If so, how come he survived his encounter with X on X3?This game is becomming like Dark Souls, where you come up with explanations as time goes on to explain whats going on.Thats not good storytelling, thats just a mess.

And where is ever mentioned that Cain died off of old age?Even if its mentioned in a magazine or on some super obscure corner of any X game, thats bad storytelling.I mean, Im a huge X fan and didnt know about that(I suspected, but thats about it).For such an important caracther to just die off screen like that, and the story not even bothering to tell you that, shows that you have problems with it.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.