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MS has still been saying the DLC is scheduled for Fall 08 (original date), but R* has already issued their statement that it's not going to be available until early 09.

Either MS didn't get the memo, or they know something the developers who created the game and extra content don't.

In all seriousness, I really couldn't see anyone but the most die hard GTA fans paying for the extra content, even if it did make the original Fall 08 distribution time hack. Especially if it is being priced at $30, putting it on par with an expansion like Shivering Isles for Oblivion.

At best, the 360 version could see a modest bump in sales when the DLC finally becomes available. Seeing as how there should be some premium new 360 titles available this Fall (GoW2), essentially, that's what the DLC would be competing with.

MS would almost be better off re-releasing the game as a GotY edition with the extra content.