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If you don't think that the Epic Game Store issue is a big deal, even with all the issues mentioned, then that's fine. I mean, a lot of these comments come off as if they are not even trying to keep an open-mind about possible problems in the matter, or as if they are ignoring the multiple comments which make it crystal clear why it's a big deal, but oh well. There have been a few gaming controversies that I've tried to understand and just couldn't, sometimes that's just how it is.

But what I don't get, is why the logical conclusion is to defend this deal. This deal locks a game to a specific platform, but not just a specific platform, a specific platform that a lot of people have a problem with. I thought we all agreed that more options are better for the consumer? I thought we all agreed that money-hatting exclusive wasn't good? I thought we all agreed, when the Xbox One came out, that missing key features like playing offline was an important problem to take note of?

I'm disappointed I don't see more comments along the lines of "I think this controversy is overblown, but ..." or "people are complaining too much, but ..." because a lot of the people who are defending the Epic Game Store aren't even defending it on the merits that it's good for anybody, just that they think people complain too much. They are complaining about people complaining, that's it. And that's just trying to minimize a situation and make fun of those who care about it, not trying to talk about the issue at hand. Credit to Flashfire, he was trying to make an actual point about the issue at hand and how a temporary sting would be good for the industry long-term.