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Chazore said:


mjk45 said:


If it's adaptive it's not working well , when you get two zombies together and one dies in 2 or 3 shots and the other one takes forever , also I have had it happen when I've headshot a group of prone  zombies from point blank range so  they won't interfere when tackling  nearby lickers.

It felt that way with the demo, but now after playing the full game, none of it feels adaptive. Each zombie takes more than 5 shots to go down, all headshots as well. 

The better method at this point seems to be capping their legs and slicing off limbs with the knife, but that becomes both boring, odd and tedious. 

One thing we haven't talked about is the crosshairs and the way it shrinks and then enlarges where if you fire while it's small you do extra damage but then it enlarges so you then have to wait for it to shrink again if you want max damage and that can be hard to do with a couple of zombies on your case.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot