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Cerebralbore101 said:
TranceformerFX said:
GameStop's trade-in program is about as good as anyone's else's. People just like to bitch about it because they aren't getting trade-in value that mirrors what they bought it for at retail - even when said game is a couple years old. Customers just flat out have unreasonable expectations regarding what their games' worth is while having a complete lack of understanding on how a trade-in business model must work to make a profit.

GameStop's trade-in program isn't a shitty business model - it's just that stupid, ignorant and disgruntled gamers have labeled it as such.

I use

Gamestop doesn't give you 40% of the listed prices for CIB. My local Mom n' Pop here in Iowa will. Same goes for all the shops in Arizona when I used to live there. I'm a stickler for getting a fair offer on any games I trade-in. 

People expecting 60% or 70% of their games value are delusional though. I agree with you there. 

They can get 60% or more most of the time, if they'd just sell it themselves on Ebay or Amazon, or a place like GameTZ.