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Of the 3 consoles, the Wii is hardest to guess, and probably will be until supply > demand. When that will happen is anyone's guess. But until that DOES happen, all we're doing is throwing around theories with incredibly little basis, at least in regards to sales numbers. There are enough wii-haters to let us know when they start appearing in stores regularly, that's for sure. And I mean some kind of evidence, not just a few random people saying wii-are-doomed. :-/

MOTORSTORM madness has already begun...........just to day at bestbuy i saw around 7 people each picking up a copy of MOTORSTORM . March is a big month for ps3 and it is expected to come very close to Wii in terms of monthly sales.
I'm sure it will be a big month for PS3, they need SOMETHING to play besides Resistance. :)

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.