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Today, 100% from PlaystationLifeStyle !

""I could go on and on about everything else the game has to offer, such as cooking with the Little Chef from Ratatouille, hunting down Lucky Emblems across worlds, playing mini-games on Sora’s Gummiphone, how I didn’t want to burn Pooh’s book and his stupid mini-games to the ground (you have no idea how huge this is for me), or the Moogle Photo Missions. But chances are, if you’ve read this far, there’s no way you’re going to stick around for another thousand words. Also, chances are that you already have a general idea that this game is packed with close to a hundred hours of fantastic and fun gameplay.

I had my doubts about this game, as I already mentioned. I never once thought there was a way Square Enix could live up to the hype the company has built up for this game. But bravo, it has done it and then some. The developer has refined and perfected the combat. It kept its silliness in tact. It kept in the darker themes and deep moments of self-reflection that we all need every once in awhile. It’s, quite frankly, the best Kingdom Hearts game Square Enix has ever created.""

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.