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The_Liquid_Laser said:
colafitte said:

So you basically are not answering my question because you're chicken out..... I guess that if i change the question and said to you something like "If you WERE FORCED to bet for or against PS5 what would yo do?" you still won't aswering me, right?

Would you not bet then, that the next Pokemon game on Switch is going to be a success? (we know nothing about the game, not even the name, but i'm pretty sure everyone here is expecting it to be a success), or the next 3D Mario game???, or maybe the next COD, or next FIFA, we know nothing about their next games either, so you won't bet they will succeed next year either? even if you were forced to do it?

I did answer the exact question you asked.  When I am betting for Switch, I am betting against PS5.

No, you didn't. I asked you if you think PS5 is going to be successful (saleswise) or not. But you gave me a weird binary answer. Because you bet for Switch, you don't bet for PS5 (i don't understand this, you mean, in 2021, 2022, lifetime???). Why if one console is succesfull the other can not be too?. Couldn't Switch be predicted a success back then before official anoucement because we didn't know exactly what is going to be and because PS4 was dominating sales back then?? What a weird logic....

If you're saying NO to my question, it means that PS5 is not going to be a succesful console (saleswise), and if this is true, i've never seen a person so wrong in 10 years visiting this site....(maybe on par with  the ones expecting a console selling 200M, or a company disappearing). Your reasoning about Nintendo winning 50% against PS because of handhelds is as wrong as expecting a COD not being the best selling game in home consoles each year because their handheld versions (just one, that psv version, but this is just an example) were a failure and were beaten by other handheld games (a lot of  3ds games).

Home consoles and handheld consoles are not the same, and should not be compared the same. They're part of the videogame industry but their markets are different.