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PortisheadBiscuit said:
youngbr said:

Not the case with Nintendo here in South America after Wii U. Since they never decrease the price of their games. Please, a Nintendo Wii U game here was R$ 250. With SONY, there are often sales and even though games are still expensive, they are affordable. Also, the PS store here always have good sales even in our currency money.

So please, like I said. Some of you don't live here to understand the situation. If you did, you would get it. Not every country can pay a full game price like it was nothing. 

Aren't video games heavily taxed by the government in countries like say Brazil? Has nothing to do with Nintendo seeking huge profits. You also have to remember Sony as a conglomerate is much bigger than Nintendo and can afford losses/smaller profit margins. Sometimes it helps to understand business as well. 

They are heavily taxed. Very interesting development in the last month or two. A new president who models himself on trump with pro business policies has come in and said he wants to change the bad conditions for international companies. If he removes those huge taxes on the international console makers sales could explode. I don't know much about it but what this space. 

PortisheadBiscuit said:
CGI-Quality said:

Was it really that much?

My bad, just did a quick google search and it was $5 billion by 2009. Not sure why I thought $9bn

Was that 5BN loss by the end of the gen? If my memory is correct they reduced the overall loss during the last few years. 

Intrinsic said:
KingofTrolls said:

It is much easier to make PS4 99 than PS2.

Like 5 times easier.

That is just ridiculous.


  • Disc drive
  • Processor
  • Ram
  • Controller
Thats all that is in a PS2. Memory cards were even sold seperately. Oh and $99 in 2006 is very different from $99 in 2019.
  •  Disc drive
  • HDD
  • APU
  • Ram
  • A more complex board with support for thins like wifi, ethernet, bluetooth.....etc
  • Fan and heatsink
  • Controller
Any two of those things in that list already puts the PS4 over $60. And you cant have a PS4 without every single one of them. So how the hell are the going to get all that to fit in a $99 box in 2019/2020. The best they can d is probably $149. And even that is a stretch


I hope just from a purely sales point of view sony plan to sell the ps4 at $199 and the PS5 at $399. Maybe down the line reduce the ps4 to $149. If they can pull that off the ps4 will sell a shit ton post ps5 launch to people who can't afford the ps5 all over the world. 


This week in South Korea and Taiwan the ps4 had a big temporary promotion and was sold for around $230. There were massive lines queuing up. A WW price of $199 would do huge numbers WW even if the ps5 was out. Especially with the amount of cross gen games we'll get for a few years.