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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Victorlink87 said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

2 other problems are the situation of Northern Ireland and the question on what happens to Brits in Europe and Europeans in the UK. The latter part is trickier than it may sounds, but without a deal all those people would technically become illegal immigrants even if they were living in the country for decades already. So if there's no deal in the end the probable first step either side would do would be to legalize those inhabitants under immigration rules or, for long-term inhabitants possibly a switch of or double nationality.

Northern Ireland is tricky because a no deal would impose a hard border there. This not only would become very disruptive on trade, but also could spark a return of the Troubles, the war or dispute between Ireland and Northern Ireland (have a read here)

That was a good read. Thank you. 

My goodness its a lot. I imagine giving citizenship to those who have been in the country  "x" amount of years would be important and wise. 

Oh Northern Ireland. Hopefully the Troubles war wouldn't return.

I have to ask again, why did the past Brexit deal fail?

Because their politicans have sold the public on lies, that everything would "Just work out" and it would be easy to be as well off, on their own.
The truth is, they havnt been able to get anywhere near what they promised the people.

So now they are all afraid to support it, its better than nothing, but its not near enough for them to support it.
The problem is, the EU has already said, this is as good as it gets.

The UK cant just leave, and get as good or better deals, than they had as members in the EU.
If it worked out like that, it would encurage other countries to try leaving as well.

The UK is now finding that, getting things as well, as they had it as members of the EU, will be hard.
And are unable to actknowledge the facts of the situtation, so in-fighting as broken out, theres power struggles for controll, and everyone has their own oppinions on how to "fix" things, and is unwilling to follow the other parties suggestions.

Basically the politicans are thinking more about their voteing results next election, than the good of the country.

The short of it? Its gonna hurt their economy & jobs, theres no two ways about it.