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flashfire926 said: 

And its their fault for not giving it more time in the oven, not something we have to "understand". As a consumer, you have to rake out the same amount of money for Lets Go compared to Mario Odyssey, and thats all that matters. Its on them for rushing the game.

Most of the Poke'mon models in Smash Ultimate aren't on the same level as Inceneroar. And yes, part of his charm is lost by overtexturing his fur. Poke'mon is a kids anime/manga, not something like One Punch Man where every single detail is drawn in. 

Octopath Traveler is a better use of $60 than a large number of games that look better than it.

I really do think that a lot of people should try their hand at 3D modeling. It is way harder than it seems. And Gamefreak has to do something like 800 3D models of different Poke'mon. There's just no way the game is going to get finished at the level of graphics that people in this thread want.