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Millennium said:
What gets me about the whole price-cut whining in this generation isn't so much the idea of price cuts. They're a way of life in this industry; they happen sooner or later.

What gets me is the sense of entitlement that a lot of the whiners have. They think they have some inborn right to pay less for their consoles and games, often for the most insipid reasons (length of time the game has been out, some abstract measure of what "went into the game", the console it's on, and crap like that). And then there are the people who pirate games "because they cost too much," as though this will drive prices down or that their desire to not pay so much somehow makes stealing a valid option.

People who wait to get a console feel entitled to get it cheaper because it is no longer bleeding edge tech, and they have been deprived the ability to use it. I think the best way to do it is to get 25-50% of gaming stuff new and for the rest buy old used stuff that is 50-75% off.

If the benefit of free games outweighs the cost of getting caught and the psychological damage of labeling oneself a thief, people will pirate games. People who pirate are therefore amoral.