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JRPGfan said:
zorg1000 said:

AAA support=/=3rd party support.

Look at the 3rd party support on Switch. It's mostly indies, Japanese games, previous gen ports/remasters, kid/family titles, retro compilations, mid sized free-to-play games.

The type of games you are talking about already dont come to Switch.

Yes AAA support = 3rd party.

Because alot of those indie games could be run on a toaster if needed.
Hell they could have just kept the Wii or Wii U then, those systems are plenty powerfull enough for small 2D indie games.

So I honestly dont agree with this.
AAA support is 3rd party support, and their also usually big sellers, while alot of those 2D small indie games barely sell anything (I know there are exceptions).

But there have been "some" AAA support for the Switch so far, like Wolften Stein, Doom ect..... that stops once the PS5 & XB2 launchs imo.
Switch might still get old PS4/XB1 ports but I assume at that point, you ll also see alot less of those types happend.

Old Retro collections belong with the 2D low budget indie games, those will probably keep coming.

You seem to have completely missed my point. I'm well aware that AAA games are 3rd party games, I'm saying that AAA games are not the only type of 3rd party games.

You're right that many indies can run on just about anything but what you dont realize is that argument supports what I'm saying. Things like indies, retro games, previous gen ports/remasters, kid/family games, most Japanese games and many AA games dont require cutting edge hardware so the release of PS5/XB4 will not stop Switch from getting the type of games it's currently getting.

Doom & Wolfenstein are just about the only examples that support your argument so it got 1 AAA 3rd party game in 2017 and 1 AAA 3rd party game in 2018. You are massively overestimating the importance of AAA games on Switch.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.