Raven said:
It's a remastered version of the International Zodiac Job System version of the original FFXII that never released outside of Japan. It makes changes to the job system & license board, where you pick a "class" for each character that only has access to specific licenses, rather than having the massive & open board of the original game which had access to everything. You can also control guest and Esper characters unlike the original, and the every character and monster has been given a stat rebalance. There's also a convenient Turbo Mode where you can speed the game up 2x or 3x to make travelling and fighting go much quicker. As someone who did feel a bit dragged down by the slower parts of the original game on PS2, I thought the remaster did a good job of speeding these parts up and kept my interest in playing. |
Hmmmmmmmmm... those do sound like changes that will make the game better. Dunno if it's enough to make me want to buy the game again at 50 bucks though. Probably gonna wait for a price drop. Thanks for the info.