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EricFabian said:
Nate4Drake said:

Well, I have a very different opinion about all your topics.

 It is true that PS2 was the least powerful console, but the difference in overall power was not huge;  Nintendo GC was just a "PS2" with prettier textures, this comment came straight from the word of some developers, who clearly admitted that GC was a more sofisticated hardware compared to PS2, capable of the same geometry, with prettier textures, ok,  but nothing more in terms of AI, physics and animations !  Games like GT3, Jack and Daxter, Baldur's Gate, Devil may cry, etc clearly showed how much PS2 was competitive when perfectly coded, and the amount of geometry was capable to pull out !  You cannot make any comparison between Switch VS PS4/X1 and PS2 VS GC/XBox.   

 The difference between Switch and PS4/X1 in the tech department is HUGE, so huge that if you wanna port a Great 3rd Party AAA Title to Switch, you simply can't, or you should downgrade/re-design/re-work it to such an extent that it would be practically unrecognizable, and too much extra work/cost for Developers. 

 You can only port to Switch small/medium sized games, and even those are downgraded to some extent.

 For PS2 was a completely different story, and you could make the same core-engine for all platforms, "same" geometry/physics/AI/animations, but prettier textures on XBox and GC.

  Also, PS2 had the biggest user base by an insane margin, so why 3rd Party Developers shouldn't develop for PS2 ? May you explain to me :) ??   

 On the other hand, Nintendo has developed an hybrid console(mostly portable), released it in 2017, and from what I have seen, their best looking Game is not even more impressive than Uncharted3 and The Last of Us on PS3, which was released 10 years before, a decade before, can you imagine?  This is nothing critical, as Nintendo is the first one who really couldn't care less about specs, tech, power, graphics, great 3rd Party Titles.  They only want to provide a different experience, targeting a different audience. 

 Monopoly is never good, all Companies need good competitors so that everybody is trying to improve and get better;  Monopoly or not monopoly has nothing to do with the fact Nintendo is generally getting weak support from 3rd party Devs/Publisher.  Nintendo is the 1st one who don't care, they have other goals and targets, and I'm smelling Nintendo is considering to abandon the Home Console Market for ever, and develop only portable hardware. It's the only way they can be competitive. 

You are wrong, Switch is not weaker than PS3

I never said Switch is weaker than PS3.

 I said :"from what I have seen, their best looking Game is not even more impressive than Uncharted3 and The Last of Us on PS3, which was released 10 years before, a decade before"... which is different.  


”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.