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0D0 said:
Biggerboat1 said:

I don't see you providing any actual argument as to why usage isn't a good way in determining what a device is...

Let's say everybody used their phone like you do - let's say first and foremost as a media device (I'm guessing here) & rarely to make calls - wouldn't it then make more sense to categorise it as a media device rather than a phone?

Surely usage is a better indicator than the status quo of nomenclature which can very often become inaccurate or irrelevant as the device / sector evolves.

I can use my phone to throw at annoying people's heads, but it wouldn't make my phone a true weapon.

I can use my laptop to run games and I can connect my laptop to the TV, but it wouldn't make my laptop a true home console.

Well obviously I'm referring to mainstream, widescale usage.

The chart I linked to earlier showing the breakdown of how Switch is used, showed the majority used it both as a home console & a handheld - so to me, seems reasonable to say it is most accurately described as a hybrid...

You think we should accept N's marketing department's insistence that it's a home console rather than using actual reality as a reference?