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XiaoMay said:
Soriku said:
XiaoMay said:

it seems that The Source was wrong, because Sinobi and Neogaf state that RETAILERS pre-ordered 200K

meaning that 150k customer pre order is impossible...

still expecting aroung 120k on 1st week TheSouce said that 2 weeks ago. Preorders must have increased 50k in 2 weeks. But I think TheSource meant consumer preorders while Sinobi says retailers...



and I dont see how customers pre-orders could have been 150k 2 weeks ago if retailers preorders are only 200k today

it only means this 150k was retailers number... logical


 The Source has clearly stated his number was customer pre-orders. That really can't be disputed if what Soriku quoted is true. What it means is the number was wrong. The Source believed it was an accurate projection, but it has proven to be inaccurate in light of new data. Logical.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229