Everytime Switch is discussed here it becomes such personal for some people here that i don't understand it. You become a hater, a downplayer, an usual suspect or you have an agenda of some sorts if you don't align with the opinion of some people here. You end not arguing about the system itself but about the feelings of the posters. SWICH IS A GREAT CONSOLE THAT IS SELLING GREAT. But like with anything in life, we can think different in how good a thing is or why you think is good. Nobody should feel attacked if others feel different about your favorite console.
I consider myself Switch a handheld that can be used as a home console with a big TV, and i find the idea GENIUS for the part of Nintendo but i don't want Sony to copy the idea either. I think it work wonders for Nintendo because that way they can lead where they always did, handhelds, but at the prices of a home console. Like i said, it's genius and the best move Nintendo could have ever done.
If people want to call it a hybrid. It's fine, i can accept it i guess. But to me is a hybrid like one of those amphibious cars they made in Top Gear where they built a car to work in the water....XDDDDD. It worked but everyone with eyes could see it was a car.