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DonFerrari said:

Shore said:


I'm not arguing that nintendo games have big budgets but i believe that Botw is an exception to that rule considering it's development time (over 4 years) and the amount of people that worked on it (more than 300 according to Eiji Aonuma). That being said i personaly believe that the development costs for the game was something around 60m, excluding marketing, but this is just my guess as we have almost nothing official on the matter.

I agree on BotW that is why I said BotW have a budget similar to other AAA games (not the highest ones, but those are the exception on AAA as well).

The 300 people that worked on it where on constant basis? (GT5 for example had 100 people routinely and 300 depending on the phase of development).

For the development to cost 60M excluding marketing then they would need more than 2M to break even.

I believe the core team of zelda was around 100 people as well with other people coming and going between development stages, however you have to take into account that nintendo is the developer, publisher and platform holder, this means that the only money they loss on every copy is the retailer share and manufacturing costs, also the source fot the 2m break even mark don't specify if it is just developing costs or if it includes marketing as well. So again just a guess as we have little data on the matter.

Last edited by Shore - on 10 January 2019