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Noticing a pattern.

Corrin was bad in the sense she had no character and story in Fates was uncharacteristically terrible for a FE game ( I realize the pre-GBA had limited stories but I attribute that to the limitations of the time not weak writing).

Emil was like two different generic stereotypes for characters crammed into one, neither working well on their own, and somehow working worse when combined together. But if I recall correctly, I didn't like any of the new characters in the Symphonia sequel.

As for 9S, I stopped playing when he became the playable character. Wasn't a fan of the whole beat the game multiple times to get the real ending/full story thing, and his story in particular just didn't entice me. Then again, I wasn't as impressed with most of Nier Automata's characters, which is probably considered heresy in the weaboo gaming sphere.

As for Kratos, am I allowed to swear in this forum? I passed on his games primarily because of his awful attitude, and the fact that his stories were always about him ruining the world for everyone else.
Were his Godly opponents bad?
Was Kratos worse?

Perhaps it's the INFJ in me, but I just could not sympathize with a guy whose literal answer to life was "kill everyone and everything." Want to say there was one or more characters who gave him the items or whatever it was he came to them for willingly, and Kratos then killed them anyways. But from what I've seen of GoW PS4, old age has mellowed him out, so the new series may turn things around.

Now, this will sound crazy, but there's been a few games that actually made me hate myself/protagonist but usually for the bad choices I made or narrative arc, but in a good/intentionally way. Spec Ops the Line and Doki Doki Literature Club in particular come to mind (highly recommend both btw).