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Hello, I'm a first-time user of this database, and I have a couple of questions.

Is there any way to download the complete database so I can study it with Excel and econometric programs such as Eviews and SPSS? I may be looking over this option completely, but all I see is data per week/month/year and automatic charts, no comprehensive database in a downloadable format such as .csv. I copied the data manually for Wii sales, but it's a very tedious and timeconsuming process...

Secondly, I noticed Wii sales being seperated in sales in America, Japan, Europe, Australia and Other. When you add these up you get the exact same number as total sales. This leads me to believe that the Other category is just a residual category where all the unexplained sales are lumped. Am I right, or does Other actually refer to a region, such as South-East Asia? Also, does the America category entail only USA sales or does it also include sales in Canada, Mexico and South-America?

Finally, I noticed that the Wii hardware sales in America in 2008 show a very erratic pattern compared to American sales in 2007 and sales in other regions. Is there an explanation for this volatility?