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Some of these look like wishlists ... I can't see them giving dates or trailers for Animal Crossing, Metroid, Pokemon or Bayonetta since those will all be saved for later in the year.

I think we'll get the next three months' NES games for Online announced. A feature on Yoshi. Something on Super Mario Bros. U: could there be DLC coming for that? Is it too early to announce the second DLC character for Smash Bros. Ultimate?

I'd like to see a Persona 5 announcement but it depends on how far along they are with that (and whether it's coming at all!)

I like the idea of some kind of Super Mario Maker reveal: that would really help Online along and it would explain why they're launching Super Mario Bros. U so early in the year.

Oh, and they've got to announce Metroid Prime Trilogy sometime ... surely?