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yushire said:
sc94597 said:
yushire said:

So this thread is still going on? Simply because the developer say a hint about the Wii doesnt mean its the whole focus of the interview. Anyone even read the whole interview? I didnt read the whole interview I admit because from the first page alone the interview was more focus on the 360/ps3 versions than the Wii, of course theres the Wii version but its not the main point of the interview. The main point was the game itself and how COD 5 can outmatch COD 4. Thats it.

And anyone noticed that the hint was only one paragraph? With all of the paragraph and sentences thats in the interview the only thing that saying on the Wii version was just one paragraph. Its not even half of a paragraph its 1/8 of a paragraph.

Its like Factor 5 saying "we will make the graphics of the Wii just as like the 360/ps3 version." After that we never heard of them. After gamebryo engine, quantum engine, TOS 2, Star Wars FU, Fatal Frame 4, Deadly Creatures, etc... we never care anymore what Factor 5was instore for us.

I mean, wheres the screenshots of COD 5 for the Wii? WHERE? The debut trailer of COD5 was for the 360/ps3 version and its already been released. But wheres the Wii version? If there are screenshots all along or atleast a video of it we should know right? Atleast a member will make a thread about how good are the graphics of COD5 on the Wii and link us a screenshots. But where is that? NONE.

Sorry but I still dont get it why gonintendo make this as a news. Just read the whole interview, theres nothing Wii related about it, simply because the developer hinted about the Wii version doesnt mean Wii owners should happy about it.

Speak for yourself, they know the wii's hardware more than anybody else (excluding nintendo). They did amazing things with the Gamecube TEVS, and I want to see what they are doing with the wii's.


LOL do you still believe in Factor 5? Do you still believe that they'll make Kid Icarus for the Wii? Do you satill believe the Wii can match 360/ps3 graphics because Factor 5 says so? Its almost E3 and yet we never heard about Factor 5. OK I think theres probability that Kid Icarus will be on E3 but Factor 5 doiung it? The chance 10 perecent or less than that.



Where are you getting these numbers? 10 percent? Anyway kid icarus is coming, I don't know if it's from factor 5 or not, but it will come. Of course the wii can't match the ps3 or 360 in graphics, but it could definately do almost every 1st gen game on those consoles that aren't large. (mostly the 360). I still like to see how adaptation to graphical performance of hardware is reached. I don't care for graphics, but I like to learn about them because they are interesting, and the idea of someobdy pushing the wii to it's limits, and seeing how  much it compares with everything else interests me. Also you need to wait until after E3 before complaining. This title is most likely going to be published by nintendo, and you know their new policy.