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Pachter actually has a lot of expertise: I feel that I've learned more from watching Pachter Factor on YouTube than I have from any other gaming channel. He seems like a nice guy as well, but his comments need a lot of contextualisation. For example, every year he predicts the release of the new Elder Scrolls game “because one year I'll be right”: it's not a serious prediction. Similarly he doesn't cover any Japanese game companies for Wedbush, including Nintendo, so again, what he says about them is largely for the fun of it. I think that in his own mind if he's giving away predictions it's very much “buyer beware”.

But of course he's often so wrong that he looks stupid for saying something; he was convinced that Nintendo had to drop the price of the Switch and - had they taken his advice - they would have lost enormous sums of money. It's one thing to dish out wrong predictions but something else to give catastrophic business recommendations. At the end of the day Nintendo seems to know its business better than anyone else.