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Op, you are correct about Activision being run by a bunch of money hungry bastards. However, its for completely different reasons than you bring up. Like shipping a broken game in THPS5, closing down Bizarre Creations after just a single game under them, lying about Destiny 2 xp rates, locking off Modern Warfare remaster behind a Infinite Warfare special edition, the list goes on. The reticle thing means absolutely nothing in front of all this as its merely a cosmetic microtransaction. Dont use a soggy match when you have a flamethrower sitting next to you OP.

Mar1217 said:
It's like people forgot that microtransactions on cosmetics are there to play on the pshycological numbness of the individuals that buys it. That and people going numb over this issue. Y'all given them a sign that they can push forward with their bullshit as long as it doesn't affect your vision of what's allowed.

It shouldn't be there in the first place, but people still wants to give them the pass ...

A fool and his money is easily parted. Its the person's fault for not having adequate self control.

Last edited by flashfire926 - on 03 January 2019

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.