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HappySqurriel said:

Personally, I find (roughly) 99% of sexually explicit content to be completely unnecessary in most movies; and in most cases it is just a crutch that is used to make a poorly written/acted/directed movie seem edgier (see David Cronenberg). I would much rather that videogames focus on what movies have abandoned like plot and character development, than have them start including sexually explicit content.


One could say the same about gunfights and other more violent sections in movies. The only difference is that most people have been raised seeing one regularly and the other omitted. Going into a steamy bedroom scene only to cut to black and then imply what just happened is essentially the same as seeing beginning of a gun fight in a movie like Die Hard or Rambo and then having the outcome implied in the next scene.

The real problem is how to make it as relevant as the gun fight. People have decades of experience making gunfights in movies but how many have experience meaningfully placing sex in them?