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@ reasonable.

I wasn't saying that one game is better that the other, I was saying that MGS4 is a landmark game in its own genre whereas Resistance is quite generic when compared to other shooters out there.

RFOM is 70% CODIV clone and 20% Halo clone with 10% special sauce.

MGS4 is about 50%+ special sauce because it defines its genre.

I went on to say that if one had to drop from the face of the Earth, MGS4 would be missed more than RFOM. There are other shooters that are quite comparible to RFOM but there aren't many games that can claim to be a proper substitute for MGS.

From that perspective, its easy to say MGS is a better game. Hell, I hated the series until #4 so im not a huge fanboy here, im just giving my opinion.
