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Something of an update.

Since we have a lot fewer people involved in the prediction league than years past, we can't do the typical 16 person playoffs that we've done in the past. Instead, I've got a couple of alternatives for people that want to predict the playoff games.

One option is a standard playoff bracket, similar to years past, only with 12 people. Like the NFL, seeds #1-#4 would all get byes through the first round. If you're not familiar with how the playoffs have worked previously, you can look over the full details on last year's thread. The general gist is that everyone predicts all the playoff games and the margins of victory for that week, but it's done in a 1v1 matchup format against another player. Whichever player has the better record for that week (or, if tied, best predicted margins of victory) moves on to the next round. 

The other option is to just continue with a standard league prediction for the games that week. This would start with a blank slate, and everyone just picks all the playoff games over the four weeks, as well as margins of victory. Most correct picks (or, if tied, best predicted margins of victory) wins the playoff league.

I've put a poll up to gauge what people want to do, let me know what you're interested in.