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collint0101 said:

This is what conservatism has become. A bunch of people defending the right for someone to use racial slurs on the internet. I have nothing against Harris but fuck Sargon he isn't entitled to someone else's platform and if it were my site I would have 0 problem kicking his edgy borderline racist garbage off

Is that really your take away from this discussion? Simply a bunch of people defending the use of racial slurs. 

I think there are quite a few other interesting points and questions raised:

  1. Sam Harris is liberal and yet he took a stand on principle, even for someone that he does not politically agree with.
  2. Patreon has been vague and contradictory with their own policies and terms of service.
  3. Tech companies like Patreon, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. have near monopolies in the space they occupy.
  4. Because of this and their choice to often prioritize ideology over profit, will this lead to government regulation in a similar way to utilities?
  5. Should companies prioritize their ideology over profits?
  6. Why are we not more alarmed at what happened to SubscribeStar, essentially being deplatformed?
  7. Will free speech versions of Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. emerge from this?
  8. Do we need an internet bill of rights so that these policies are transparent and applied equally to the left, right, and center?
  9. Will content creators continue to leave Patreon since the rules seem to be applied arbitrarily on a case by case basis and anyone that they deem unfit could be next to lose their platform and income? 
  10.  Free speech vs. hate speech. Do we want the government or private companies defining what is free and what is hate?
There are many other interesting aspects to this thread. I think to label it as simply the defense of racial slurs is reductive.
As to your last point, if you owned a platform and chose to ban Sargon based on your opinion of him being edgy and borderline racist, just understand that you empower others to ban you or I on similarly arbitrary observations and opinions. In my view, that creates a world where we cease to discuss ideas both good and bad. We polarize and things get progressively worse.
Last edited by Munn75 - on 24 December 2018

"There are things which, if done by the few, we should refuse to imitate; yet when the majority have begun to do them, we follow along - just as if anything were more honourable because it is more frequent!"
