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StriderKiwi said:
collint0101 said:

This is what conservatism has become. A bunch of people defending the right for someone to use racial slurs on the internet. I have nothing against Harris but fuck Sargon he isn't entitled to someone else's platform and if it were my site I would have 0 problem kicking his edgy borderline racist garbage off


Libertarian here. One guy earlier said he's center left. No idea what the others defending Sargon are. Nice of you to support the douche know-it-all dem stereotype though.

You realize there's more out there than Republicans and Democrats right? It's kinda a reason 2016 went the way it did.

This is a big reason why I can't support dem candidates right now. When debating someone who doesn't agree with you, immediately the negative labeling begins. And no matter what the "nazis", "conservatives", "racists" or whatever say, your mind has already been made up and you are of coarse infallible like the pope.

My mind isn't made up and I'm probably way more open to economic conservatism than you would think but social conservatism feels toxic. Just take a second to think about the conversation being had here, people are actively defending a YouTuber that went on a racist rant while debating an alt righter, this is the hill people are willing to die on. Countless arguments along the lines of "well what about rappers" "why can't everyone say the n word" well how much do you want to be those same rappers would be gone in a heartbeat if they started ranting about Jews or made homophobic comments. Free speech is 1 thing but it seems like this anti sjw, pro free speech crowd doesn't understand that unless you're being physically attacked or arrested reactions to your shitty speech are just as valid as your shitty speech in the first place