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Really nice art direction and visual design...

Good gameplay and use of motion controls...

Visually nice comic book approach to exposition that didn't full work IMO...

Awesome cutscenes here and there...

Poor design decision with the repeat levels approach - only occasionally did this seem to make sense, mostly it was just now have Keats follow Ellen using slightly different attacks to get through the same area

Weak to the point of indifference RPG elements

Overall - 75% and worth a play but could easily have been an 80% or above game IMO if they'd worked out the plot (which actually was pretty good when you unraveled it fully) better in terms of how to reveal it and via which character and as a result made better use of two playable characters.

I'm assuming it will be offered cheaper soon with the launch of premium titles (if it isn't cheap already) so at that point it probably does become pretty good value if you want to experiment with something a little different.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...