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Soriku said:
erikers said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
erikers said:
Soriku said:
erikers said:
What a mediocre title to the story. There isn't even a Call Of Duty 5. The new call of duty is called Call of Duty: World at War. They could at least make an effort to use the correct information.

Uh...CoD: WaW IS CoD5. They just happened to use a subtitle. They do that for games sometimes.


lol no. CoD is boring.


Uh no, the trailer just came out yesterday, the game is called Call of duty world at war. At least have some kind of knowledge if you're going to post a condescending response talking down to me. Ever heard of games like Call of Duty Big Red One, Call of Duty Finest Hour? Activision has been known to make spin offs for this series with treyarch and not have them count in the main series. I suppose you think Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s and Guitar Hero: Aerosmith are part of the main Guitar Hero series too don't you?

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare uses a subtitle with the main series, this one doesn't. Get your facts straight.

Maybe you should get YOUR facts straight. Activision referred to it as Call of Duty 5.

Now, the rumors floating around is that they're going to drop the '5' and that Infinity Ward titles will only be numbered. But that doesn't change the fact that this game was born and intented to be CoD5.

Oh really? Is that why the official trailer has no 5 and the official website referes to it without any 5? So let me get this straight, you say activision calls it the 5th game yet their own site doesn't? Great point.



Lol. Just look at Star Ocean: The Last Hope (ugh...the name's so generic but it will be a good game. It's SO after all.). The game is still SO4...they just made it use a subtitle (like all SOs).

Dude are you that dense?  Do you think because a japanese company decides to title it's games that way it applies to this?  You're going to ignore the other call of duty games that have come out in the past that weren't part of the series.  Ignore the fact activision does this with all of their series.  Ignore the fact the last game in the series had a subtitle and was still numbered. 

Why don't you go advise rockstar that they forgot to put a 6 on GTA IV since they already had San Andreas and Vice City.  You clearly are a master of thought on all things game related.


Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%