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Thursday news, part two:

Slasher-flick survival game Last Year: The Nightmare is now available on Discord
Last Year: The Nightmare, the asymmetrical multiplayer survival game that pits a group of teens against an unstoppable slasher-movie psycho-killer, is now available for $30 (or your regional equivalent) on the Discord Store.

For Honor is getting four new heroes in the Year of the Harbinger
Ubisoft's multiplayer medieval massacre sim For Honor will get four new heroes in the upcoming Year of the Harbinger, beginning with a new Knight hero called the Vortiger. Year 3 Pass holders will have access to the character on January 31, when the new year of content begins, while everyone else will be able to purchase it for 15,000 Steel, which works out to about $15.

Fallout 76 getting a new PvP mode early next year
In addition to today's Fallout 76 hotfix, which patched a few small but important issues, Bethesda gave us peek into what's coming in 2019. An extremely tiny peek.
"Our sights are set for future updates," reads a post on Bethesda's site. "In mid-January, we will be releasing another patch that contains many fixes, including fixes for the Lever-Action Rifle reload animation, some perk cards, and we’re dealing some crowd control at the Whitespring by implementing a fix for the robots duplicating on the resort grounds."

Verdun developer will plant 2500 real trees to celebrate this year's 'Christmas truce' event
Every year since its release in 2015, the First World War multiplayer FPS Verdun has held an in-game event to celebrate the famed Christmas truce of 1914, when British and German troops halted hostilities at various points along the Western Front and gathered together to exchange food and gifts, swap prisoners, bury their dead, and even play a little football. On December 20, it will return again, giving players the ability to take part in snowball fights and soccer matches, send Christmas cards, and for the first time, plant a tree for charity.

Outer Wilds, the game of cosmic exploration and campfires, is delayed into 2019
Outer Wilds—not to be confused with The Outer Worlds—is a sci-fi exploration game "about curiosity, roasting marshmallows, and unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos." It won the IGF Grand Prize in 2015, raised a bunch of money, released a playable alpha, and then sort of fell off the map until earlier this year, when developer Mobius Digital announced that it had done a deal with Annapurna Interactive, the publisher of games including What Remains of Edith Finch, Gorogoa, and Donut County, and that it would be out later this year.

Respawn has been recruiting for a new Titanfall project
In an October earnings call, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson made it pretty clear that Respawn is working on not one, but two new games at present. One of those is the studio's forthcoming Star Wars shooter. The other, Tom speculated at the time, could be a new instalment in the Titanfall series. According to a bunch of job listings Respawn has posted, a new Titanfall game seems pretty bloody likely.

The Long Dark's Redux update completely overhauls the story mode
The Long Dark, Hinterland Studio’s wilderness survival romp, received a beefy overhaul this week. Earlier in the year, the studio announced its decision to pause the release of the remaining episodes of its story mode, instead going back to improve the existing episodes with voice acting, rewritten dialogue, additional locations, a new mission structure—there’s a lot. Wintermute Redux is available as a free update now.

Amazon's MMO New World shows off fortress construction in new screenshots
Amazon Game Studio’s MMO, New World, is being drip-fed to us through lots of lovely screenshots on Twitter. Last month, we got a look at two new areas, Brightwood and Weaver’s Fen, and the account has continued to tease more of the game since. Lately, it’s been showing off moody fantasy locations and crafting activities.

Here's the Atlas map and everything we know about it
As the launch of Atlas, Grapeshot Games/Studio Wildcard’s piratical MMO game is pushed back again, it felt like a good opportunity to answer questions that interested players have sent about the Atlas map which you can find in our magazine cover feature.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.