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The news, part two:

Close to the Sun looks like BioShock, but with Nikola Tesla and a boat
Close to the Sun is a first-person horror romp where Nikola Tesla has trapped you on his ship. What a scamp! Never accept invitations onto strange scientists' weird nautical laboratories. It immediately calls to mind BioShock, with its cavernous, Art Deco rooms all dimly lit and deserted. Check out the trailer above.
>> It definitely looks like Bioshock.

Degrees of Separation is a co-op puzzle game written by Chris Avellone
Degrees of Separation is a co-op puzzle platformer in which you solve headscratchers with temperature. I’m constantly solving the mystery of the damp clothes by chucking them on the radiator, so I reckon I’ll have a handle on this in no time. It’s a bit more impressive than just turning a dial, however, as both characters, Ember and Rime, are like elemental generators. One cools everything around them and the other heats everything up, dividing the screen into two distinct temperature zones. You can see it in action in the trailer above.

Life is Strange 2's second episode gets a release date, live-action trailer
Dontnod announced via Twitter today that Life is Strange 2 episode 2 will be released on January 24, 2019.
"Life is Strange 2 got off to a strong start, but the best is yet to come. Episode 2 is going to be a great moment for this season,” said Jon Brooke, co-head of studio at Square Enix External Studios. “Previous seasons have both had a point that was just, ‘that moment’, that captivated fans from all over the world, and we feel like this will be the one for Life is Strange 2."

US government's School Safety report calls on ESRB to 'review and improve' its policies
The final report of the Federal Commission on School Safety, struck earlier this year following the horrific mass murder at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, acknowledges that the ESRB rating system has a "high level of trust among parents," but nonetheless recommends that it and other media rating agencies "review and improve policies to ensure access to content is limited to age-appropriate consumers."

Hearthstone's new balance update nerfs several powerful decks
Hold onto your decks, it’s a Hearthstone balance update! This one is due out today, earlier than usual, with Blizzard changing five cards with the intention of improving both Standard and Wild modes.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's new update brings Operation Absolute Zero to PC
Good news, bloppers. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s winter update, Operation Absolute Zero, has finally appeared on PC. The PS4 lot got it a week early, but now everyone can hop in and try out Zero, the new multiplayer Specialist who sports an Ice Pick hacking tool and an EMP grenade, while Black Ops Pass owners get new multiplayer maps and the latest Zombies romp, Dead of the Night.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.