mZuzek said:
I'm being a prick about it because it fucking triggers me when people say competitive players don't like to have fun. So much for how "elitist" competitive players supposedly are, maybe it's the other way around... I mean, you just talked about how you like that Smash can be enjoyed by both babies and hardcore pros... and then talked about how competitive play is boring, repetitive, and drains the game of its soul. Does it get any more contradictory than that? Competitive play doesn't drain the game of its soul, dude, it takes it to incredible new heights. Smash has succeeded and continues to grow as a competitive game because of how deep and unique it among every other fighting game. There's a certain "freeform" feel to Smash that isn't present in any other fighting game, that much I think we can all agree on, and competitive play just takes this freeform feel to its maximum (which also means exploring and understanding a wide array of mechanics and interactions that only exist in a game like Smash), while reducing the luck/unfairness factor as much as possible. Yeah, most of the game's stages aren't suited to competitive play. Yeah, items aren't suited to competitive play. And neither are stage morphs, final smashes, or 8-player free-for-alls. It's called a "rule set" - competitive players choose to play the game a certain way, because it allows for the most balanced competition; casual players, well... they also choose to play the game a certain way, however they have most fun with. You say competitive players ignore most of what the game has to offer (not quite true, because mostly every competitive player started out loving Smash casually and has played through most of the single-player modes and probably played a decent amount of casuals in their life), but the moment you say "1v1s are boring", you're also choosing to ignore it. That's exactly what's cool about Smash, that anyone can play however they want. It's just annoying when people like you or Runa, who prefer casual play, feel the need to call competitive Smash out for being "boring" or saying competitive players don't like to have fun. This might boggle your mind, but competitive players play the way they do because it's exactly how they have the most fun. |
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the idea that a person can find something boring without saying it's necessarily bad. You shouldn't have to be told that just because someone doesn't like a thing that they automatically think it's a terrible thing.
I personally hate playing competitively. I find it boring and repetitive. that doesn't mean that Smash isn't a GREAT game for competitive players. It's really not hard to have an opinion on something while still acknowledging its strenghts and weaknesses outside of one's own tastes. If you look at any of the posts he or I said, we didn't say it was a BAD game, or that it was BAD for competitive players, but that we didn't like competitive play and found it boring because it's not fun to us. The fact that you chose to be upset by someone saying they find a certain playstyle unappealing says more about you than it does us.
I don't know what more to say on the matter. I don't like playing a certain way but that doesn't mean it's not great for other people. I have my opinion but I made it clear that smash is good because it caters to both ends of the spectrun and everything in between.
I'm beginning to see why some particularly shitty people like calling people 'snowflakes'. You just WANT to be offended so you twist things to fit the narrative that people are attacking your chosen playstyle. Cut that shit out. Nobody said that competitive play is bad, just that we don't like it. Huge difference between objectivity and subjectivity.
I love Bloodborne but it's not for everyone and I accept that. You love competitive Smash and it's not for everyone; you should accept that and not leap for the throat of anyone who is critical of your chosen style. Seriously, grow up; you're not twelve anymore.