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Going by what we know, Japan had 1.2m in 3 days and NA had over 3m in 11 days (keep in mind it's not 3m but a figure more than it), no numbers from EU yet other than UK and Spain's first 3 days I'll make a guess of possible 6-7m WW in 11 days. I'm sure at this point (11 days) EU would have had 1m at least which with the 1.2m from Japan is an easy 2m+, just adding a flat 3m would prop things up to 5m with out knowing the units in thousands moved as we only really know the 200k on top of the 1m from Japan in 3 days I'll guess that what ever is on top of the 1m in EU, 2m in Japan (11 day mark) and 3m in NA plus the rest of the world figures could push the total at this point passed 6m.